Δευτέρα 17 Αυγούστου 2015

"Πέφτει μαχαίρι" στις επιδοτήσεις των αιολικών στην Αυστραλία. Και τώρα τι θ' απογίνουν τα αιολικά, χωρίς επιδοτήσεις;

Τα αιολικά μπήκαν τα προηγούμενα χρόνια παντού για τις εγγυημένες τιμές πώλησης του ρεύματος και τις επιδοτήσεις, αλλά χωρίς τις εγγυημένες τιμές και τις επιδοτήσεις μάλλον θα είναι δύσκολο να ξαναδούμε στον ορίζοντα τις "απαίσιες οπτικά" φιγούρες των ανεμογεννητριών. 

Αυτή την απλή αλήθεια φαίνεται πως έχει καταλάβει η ομοσπονδιακή κυβέρνηση της Αυστραλίας κι αποφάσισε να ξεκινήσει τη σταδιακή περικοπή των επιδοτήσεων. Τον Ιούνιο είδαμε την ευθεία επίθεση του Αυστραλού Πρωθυπουργού στη μελλοντική ανάπτυξη αιολικών:

"What we did recently in the Senate was reduce, Alan, reduce, capital R-E-D-U-C-E, we reduced the number of these things that we're going to get in the future - Αυτό που κάναμε πρόσφατα στη Γερουσία ήταν να μειώσουμε, με κεφαλαία Μ-Ε-Ι-Ω-Σ-Ο-Υ-Μ-Ε, μειώσαμε τον αριθμό απ' αυτά τα πράγματα, που πρόκειται να βάλουμε στο μέλλον". Και στις αρχές Αυγούστου κατατέθηκε η πολυαναμενόμενη απ' την άνοιξη έκθεση της Γερουσίας για τις ανεμογεννήτριες, που καθόλου δεν άρεσε στην Ένωση Αιολικών Αυστραλίας.

Σε ένα κείμενο 350 σελίδων η έκθεση της Γερουσίας προχωρά σε σαφείς Συστάσεις για το μέλλον των ανεμογεννητριών. Το κείμενο των Συστάσεων παρατίθεται ...

συνοπτικά και αμετάφραστο, λόγω της έκτασής του κι αν τυχόν θέλετε να το παρακάμψετε, μπορείτε να πάτε κατευθείαν στη Σύσταση 14:

Recommendation 1. The committee recommends that an Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Industrial Sound (IESC) be established by law, through provisions similar to those which provide for the IESC on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development.

Recommendation 2. The committee recommends that the federal government assign the Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Industrial Sound with the following responsibilities:

develop and recommend to government a single national acoustic standard on audible noise from wind turbines that is cognisant of the existing standards, Australian conditions and the signature of new turbine technologies;
develop and recommend to government a national acoustic standard on infrasound, low frequency sound and vibration from industrial projects;
respond to specific requests from State Environment Protection Authorities for scientific and technical advice to assess whether a proposed or existing wind farm project poses risks to individual and community health;
provide scientific and technical advice to the relevant State Health, Environment and Planning Minister to assess whether a proposed or existing industrial project poses risks to individual and community health;
provide advice to the Clean Energy Regulator on whether a proposed or existing industrial project poses health risks to nearby residents;
provide advice to the federal health minister on whether a proposed or existing industrial project poses health risks to nearby residents;
publish information relating to the committee's research findings;
provide to the federal Minister for Health research priorities and research projects to improve scientific understanding of the impacts of wind turbines on the health and quality of life of affected individuals and communities; and
provide guidance, advice and oversight for research projects commissioned by agencies such as the National Health and Medical Research Council and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation relating to sound emissions from industrial projects.

Recommendation 3 The committee recommends that the following provision be inserted into a new section 14 of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000: If the Regulator receives an application from a wind power station that is properly made under section 13, the Regulator must: 

seek the advice of the Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Industrial Sound whether the proposed project poses risks to individual and community health over the lifetime of the project; and
confer with the federal Minister for Health and the Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer to ascertain the level of risk that the proposed project poses to individual and community health. If the Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Industrial Sound finds that the wind power station does pose risks to human health, the Regulator must not accredit the power station until such time as the federal Minister for Health is satisfied that these risks have been mitigated.

Recommendation 4 The committee recommends that a provision be inserted into Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 stipulating that wind energy generators operating in states that do not require compliance with the National Environment Protection (Wind Turbine Infrasound and Low Frequency Noise) Measure (NEPM) are ineligible to receive Renewable Energy Certificates. The need for the IESC's work to be reflected in health policy advice and research.

Recommendation 5 The committee recommends that the Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Industrial Sound (IESC) establish a formal channel to communicate its advice and research priorities and findings to the Environmental Health Standing Committee (enHealth). The IESC should explain to enHealth members on a regular basis and on request: 

the national acoustic standards for audible noise and infrasound and how these standards are set and enforced to monitor industrial projects;
the methodology of its research and findings relating to how infrasound and vibration can impact on human sensory systems and health; and
research priorities and possible strands of research that the National Health and Medical Research Council (a member of enHealth) could fund and commission.

Recommendation 6 The committee recommends that the proposed Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Industrial Sound develop National Windfarm Guidelines addressing the following matters:

a national acoustic standard on audible sound (see recommendation 2);
a national acoustic standard on infrasound and low frequency sound (see recommendation 2);
a national standard on minimum buffer zones;
a template for State Environment Protection Authorities to adopt a fee-for-service licencing system (see recommendation 9, below);
a Guidance Note proposing that State Environment Protection Authorities be responsible for monitoring and compliance of wind turbines and suggesting an appropriate process to conduct these tasks;
a Guidance Note on best practice community engagement and stakeholder consultation with the granting and holding of a licence conditional on meeting this best practice;
a Guidance Note that local councils should retain development approval decision-making under the relevant state planning and development code for local impact issues such as roads; • national standards for visual and landscape impacts;
aircraft safety and lighting;
indigenous heritage;
birds and bats;
shadow flicker;
electromagnetic interference and blade glint; and
the risk of fire.

Recommendation 7 The committee recommends that the Australian Government amend the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 and the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act Regulations 2000 to enable partial suspension and point in time suspension of renewable energy certificates for wind farm operators that are found to have: 

breached the conditions of their planning approval;
had their operating licence suspended or cancelled;
establish powers to be used when breaches of statutory obligations occur that require energy generators to 'show cause' ; and
link the issuing of renewable energy certificates with certified net greenhouse gas reduction in the electricity sector.

Recommendation 8 The committee recommends that all State Governments consider shifting responsibility for monitoring wind turbines in their jurisdiction from local councils to the State Environment Protection Authority.

Recommendation 9 The committee recommends that State Governments consider adopting a fee-for-service licencing system payable by wind farm operators to State Environment Protection Authorities, along the lines of the system currently in place in New South Wales.

Recommendation 10 The committee recommends that the federal Department of the Environment prepare a quarterly report collating the wind farm monitoring and compliance activities of the State Environment Protection Authorities. The report should be tabled in the federal Parliament by the Minister for the Environment. The Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Industrial Sound should coordinate the receipt of State data and prepare the quarterly report. The Department of the Environment should provide appropriate secretarial assistance.

Recommendation 11 The committee recommends that the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) continue to monitor and publicise Australian and international research relating to wind turbines and health. The NHMRC should also fund and commission primary research that the Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Industrial Sound identifies as necessary.

Recommendation 12 The committee recommends that under circumstances where the regulatory framework provided for pursuant to recommendations 8 and 9 cannot be enforced due to a lack of cooperation by one or more states, a national regulatory body be established under commonwealth legislation for the purpose of monitoring and enforcing wind farm operations.

Recommendation 13 The committee recommends that the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) conduct a performance audit of the Clean Energy Regulator's (CER) compliance with its role under the legislation. In particular, the committee recommends that the ANAO examine:

the information held by the CER on wind effectiveness in offsetting carbon dioxide emissions at both 30 June 2014 (end of financial year) and 3 May 2015;
the risk management and fraud mitigation practices and processes that are in place and whether they have been appropriate;
whether all public monies collected in respect of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 are appropriate;
whether there are financial or other incentives, including but not limited to, the collection of public monies under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 that are distorting the CER's role in achieving the objectives of the Act; and
whether the expenditure of public monies by the CER has been appropriately focused on achieving the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 objectives.

Recommendation 14 The committee recommends that the Australian Government direct the Productivity Commission to conduct research into the impact of wind power electricity generation on retail electricity prices. 

Το "κερασάκι στην τούρτα" ωστόσο το βάζει η Επιτροπή της Γερουσίας στη σελίδα 169, όταν καταγράφει πως "Wind should be self-sufficient" (Τα αιολικά πρέπει να είναι οικονομικά αυτοσυντηρούμενα) και φιλοξενεί ως πρώτη στη σειρά την πιο κάτω συνεισφορά ενός γεωλόγου στη σχετική διαβούλευση: "No wind farm could operate without generous taxpayer subsidies and increased electricity charges to consumers and employers. These subsidies are given irrespective of whether the wind farm produces any consumable energy or not and are paid even when a wind farm is shut down due to strong winds. Wind farmers have been more successful in harvesting massive subsidies from taxpayers than harvesting the wind. - Οι κάτοχοι αιολικών πάρκων αποδείχθηκαν πιο επιτυχείς στην εκμετάλλευση μαζικών επιδοτήσεων απ' τους φορολογούμενους παρά στην εκμετάλλευση του ανέμου". Τι άλλο να πει κανείς; Γι' αυτό και η τελευταία Σύσταση "κόβει τον αέρα" στα νέα αιολικά, περιορίζοντας τις επιδοτήσεις το πολύ σε μια πενταετία, ενώ για τη συνέχιση των επιδοτήσεων στα ήδη υπάρχοντα προβλέπει ετήσιες επιθεωρήσεις συμμόρφωσης με τους κανόνες:

Recommendation 15 The Renewable Energy Target should be amended so that all new investments in renewable energy between 2015 and 2020 will be eligible to create renewable energy certificates for a period of no more than five years. Existing investments in renewable energy should be grandfathered so that they continue to receive renewable energy certificates under the Act subject to annual audits of compliance.

Με το καλό λοιπόν και στα δικά μας, να καταργηθεί το συντομότερο η Υπουργική απόφαση της Μπιρμπίλη του Οκτωβρίου 2010 "για την επιδιωκόμενη αναλογία εγκατεστημένης ισχύος και την κατανομή της στο χρόνο μεταξύ των διαφόρων τεχνολογιών Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών Ενέργειας". Μια απόφαση που έλεγε πως πρέπει να βάλουμε 4000MW αιολικά μέχρι το 2014 και 7500MW μέχρι το 2020, προκειμένου να πληρώνουμε, να πληρώνουμε και ρεύμα να μην έχουμε. Ευτυχώς πέρασε το 2014 και μέχρι και το Μάιο 2015 έχουμε μόνο 2034MW αιολικά, είμαστε 50% πίσω απ' το "στόχο". Κι εδώ να μείνουμε, δεν χρειαζόμαστε άλλα. Αλλά με την κυβέρνηση να βολοδέρνει στην εσωστρέφεια, την πρόσφατη αλλαγή Υπουργού στο ΥΠΑΠΕΝ και τα όσα λέει το 3ο μνημόνιο για τον ηλεκτρισμό, μπορεί να αισιοδοξεί κανείς


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