Ιστοσελίδες Ενημέρωσης

Τρίτη 9 Μαρτίου 2021

Saipem starts up ETBE unit at refinery in Greece


Saipem, a global solution provider in the energy and infrastructure sectors, through its XSIGHT division dedicated to project definition services, has started-up its ETBE (Ethyl Tert Buthyl Ether) unit for Hellenic Petroleum’s refinery in Aspropyrgos, Greece. The existing MTBE unit was revamped to the latest generation of ETBE technology for bio-ethers production. The unit maintained also in full the capacity to produce MTBE. The new ETBE unit will help Hellenic Petroleum to meet its..

biofuel requirements in Greece. The ETBE product is now regularly part of the Hellenic Petroleum gasoline blends sold on the market.

ETBE process is part of the Technologies Portfolio licensed by Saipem in the Ethers and Derivatives field that can show more than 45 units working all over the world. This start up is the result of decades of collaboration between Hellenic Petroleum and Saipem and it represents the capability of Saipem to be side by side with its clients to overcome the industry challenges.

Saipem owns proprietary technologies that play a key role in the industry decarbonization, being either related to the bioethers products (i.e. ETBE or TAEE) required in the decarbonization of the transportation sector or associated with direct Carbon Capture (recent acquisition of CO2 Solutions). Moreover, thanks to the relationship with major licensors, Saipem can also act as Technology Integrator for many non-fossil related technologies like biofuels production or biomass valorisation.

Από το hydrocarbonprocessing.com

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